
International business and emerging markets 852

Modulekode GIF 852
Kwalifikasie Nagraads
Fakulteit Gordon Institute of Business Science

*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.

The rationale for the module is that all businesses are increasingly exposed to the global context, whether in terms of their competitors, their markets or their supply chains. As such, it is incumbent upon all managers to have an appreciation of the opportunities and threats that exist in doing business on an international scale. To operate effectively in a global context, managers need to be able to evaluate differences between countries in terms of issues such as economic policy, cluster development, industry structure, and the impact of these differences on firm behaviour. This module aims to provide students with the skills necessary to develop global business strategies and meet the challenges entailed.

Modulekrediete 15.00
Voorvereistes Geen voorvereistes.
Kontaktyd 28 kontakure per 3 week siklus
Onderrigtaal Module word in Engels aangebied
Departement Gordon Institute of Business Science
Aanbiedingstydperk Semester 1

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